Monday 3 October 2011

Cal Seerveld in Chicago and Grand Rapids

Senior Member Emeritus Cal Seerveld is scheduled to introduce the choral reading of his translation of Ecclesiastes by the faculty of Trinity Christian College, directed by John Sebestyen, at the college for the Homecoming Alumni of 1971 at 7 pm on October 6 and 8, and in Grace Church at 2:30 pm on October 9. A jazz composer/clarinetist from Chicago is engaged to do the musical interludes. This event was prompted by ICS alumnus, former ICS Senator, and Sociology professor at Trinity, Brad Breems. For more information, visit

While he is at Trinity, Cal will also teach a theology class (Proverbs as Wisdom Literature) and an aesthetics philosophy class (composing pop songs--requested by Prof. Aron Reppmann).

Also, Cal is scheduled to speak on "The Church and the World of Modern Art" at Forest Hills Presbyterian Church in Grand Rapids at 10 am on Sunday, October 23, at its adult education session, organized by Henry Vander Goot.

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