Tuesday 15 November 2011

Jeff Hocking at the AAR in San Francisco

Junior Member Jeffrey Hocking will be presenting material related to his dissertation research at the American Academy of Religion's annual meeting in San Francisco. The presentation will take place Saturday, November 19 from 9:00-11:00 in the morning as a part of the first convening of the AAR/SBL Theopoetics working group. The title of his paper is "Liberating Language: Rubem Alves, Theopoetics, and the Democratization of God-Talk". Jeff will also be attending a special session prior to the conference celebrating Clark Pinnock's life and work.

November 17: John Suk in Grand Rapids

Former ICS president John Suk has recently published a book titled Not Sure: A Pastor's Journey from Faith to Doubt. Published by Eerdmans, the book chronicles both the history of faith and John's struggle with doubt. An article about the book in Northumberland Today can be found at: http://www.northumberlandtoday.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3320660.

You can now order the book from Amazon.ca or Amazon.com (which also has the Kindle version). The introduction to the book is available on Suk's blog at http://faithisntwhatyouthink.blogspot.com/.

John will be speaking as part of Eerdmans 100th anniversary authors' series, on Thursday, November 17, at 7 pm. Eerdmans is located at 2140 Oak Industrial Drive NE, Grand Rapids.

November 23-24: Cal Seerveld at Redeemer University College

Senior Member Emeritus Cal Seerveld's translation of the Biblical books of Ecclesiastes and The Song of Songs is being presented at Redeemer College in Ancaster, Ontario during the week of November 21-26. These Scriptures are conceived as unified choruses of diverse voices, and are performed along with song and musical interludes as interpretive commentary. Cal will be presenting lectures on November 23 and 24. For more information about this unique theatrical experience, visit http://www.redeemer.ca/mainstage.

November 24: Heaven: Is It Part of Creation?

The Institute for Christian Studies presents "Heaven: Is it Part of Creation?" a public lecture by Professor Donald Sinnema.

In this lecture, Professor Sinnema will challenge the popular Christian conception that heaven is an eternal spiritual realm outside of creation, a realm that includes God, angels, and the souls of deceased believers.

Dr. Sinnema is Professor of Theology at Trinity Christian College in Palos Heights, Illinois, where he has been on the faculty since 1987. He completed a master's degree at the Institute for Christian Studies and a PhD in historical theology in 1985 at the University of St. Michael's College (University of Toronto). With the primary areas of his scholarship focused in Post-Reformation studies and Dutch immigration to North America, Donald is an Association of Reformed Institutions for Higher Education (ARIHE) Lecturer for 2011-12.

This lecture will be presented on Thursday, November 24 at 7:30 pm in the main Board Room at the Toronto School of Theology, 47 Queen's Park Cres. East.

December 5: Book Launch & Benefit Concert—Kicking at the Darkness

On the evening of Monday, December 5, 2011 there will be a benefit concert and book launch for ICS alumnus Brian Walsh's new book Kicking at the Darkness: Bruce Cockburn and the Christian Imagination. The evening will include performances by Steve Bell, Glen Soderholm, Mike Janzen and the Wine Before Breakfast band. Proceeds of the benefit will go to Parkdale Neighbourhood Church. This event will begin at 8:30 pm at Hugh's Room, 2261 Dundas St. W., Toronto.

Participate in the ICS Presidential Search Process

The ICS presidential search committee invites you to join the process of recruiting a new president for the ICS by entering into prayerful discernment about the kind of president the ICS needs. Members of the ICS community have been focusing on Romans 12 with a view to listening for God's guidance in relation to two questions: What kind of community is God calling us to be? and thus what kind of president will we need? The committee welcomes your written reflections on the passage; please email them to Aileen Van Ginkel, who is chairing the search committee, at avanginkel@gmail.com. Thank you!

Tuesday 1 November 2011

CPRSE Celebrated at Gala Launch

ICS was very pleased to host the Gala Launch of the Centre for Philosophy, Religion and Social Ethics at a reception and banquet held on Monday evening, October 24th at the University of Toronto Faculty Club. The evening began with a reception at 5:30 in the main lounge, at which several invited speakers offered congratulatory remarks from various academic institutions and the Reid Trust. The reception also included a draw for five prizes of a choice of one of Lambert Zuidervaart's two recent books: Art In Public and Dog Kissed Tears.

Following the reception, the guests moved into the beautiful and historic main dining room for the banquet. The banquet program began with words of welcome by Henriette Thompson, the ICS Board Chair, and a beautifully stirring performance of Dvorak's Dumky Trio by three very talented young musicians from the Royal Conservatory Young Artists Performance Academy. The banquet guests then enjoyed a delicious three-course gourmet dinner, together with wine, served by the skillful catering staff at the Faculty Club.

While the guests savoured dessert and coffee, Dr. Bob Sweetman offered a warm and witty introduction of CPRSE Director Dr. Lambert Zuidervaart, who delivered his inaugural address "Living at the Crossroads: Ethical Scholarship and the Common Good". Lambert's engaging and thought-provoking address was a highlight of the evening's program. To watch a video recording of Lambert's address or to view a copy of the text, click on one of the following links:

Read Text: https://faculty.icscanada.edu/lzuidervaart/cprse-inaugural-address

Watch Video: http://youtu.be/aQ2fVxpQ_Xg

The ICS and CPRSE wish to extend a big "Thank you" to all the guests at the Gala Launch for their generous support of this memorable event, which helped make it a great success. For further information about the CPRSE and updates about our upcoming conference on Social Justice and Human Rights in April 2012, please visit http://www.icscanada.edu/cprse.

Employment Opportunity—Director of Finance and Administration—Application Deadline Friday, November 11

ICS is seeking an experienced and organized individual to fill the role of Director of Finance and Administration (DFA) on a nine-month contract to cover a medical leave (with possible extension). Reporting to the President, the DFA will work at a senior level, implementing the mission of ICS together with the Leadership Team, with particular responsibility for the financial and administrative aspects of the organization.
If you, or someone you know, would be a good candidate for this position, we would be pleased to receive an application. Applications are due by Friday, November 11.

To see the job posting, visit http://www.icscanada.edu/jobs/02.

“God is Dead” and I Don’t Feel So Good Myself—a Christian Response to the New Atheism—November 3

Waterloo area readers, the waiting is over! This week, on Thursday, November 3 at 7 pm in the Dunker Family Lounge at Renison University College (240 Westmount Road North) at the University of Waterloo, Dr. Ron Kuipers, an ICS faculty member and Jon Stanley, one of our graduate students, will be presenting a talk and leading a discussion, about how we, as Christians, can respond to the claim that God is dead, a claim being made by many prominent authors in Europe and North America.  The new atheism challenges Christians. Join us for a presentation and discussion on how faith can lead to dialogue rather than hostility between religious and secular people in our time.  Please note that the book God is Dead and I Don't Feel So Good Myself will be available for purchase at this event.

Jeff Hocking at the AAR in San Francisco

Junior Member Jeffrey Hocking will be presenting material related to his dissertation research at the American Academy of Religion's annual meeting in San Francisco. The presentation will take place Saturday, November 19th from 9:00-11:00 in the morning as a part of the first convening of the AAR/SBL Theopoetics working group. The title of his paper is "Liberating Language: Rubem Alves, Theopoetics, and the Democratization of God-Talk". Jeff will also be attending a special session prior to the conference celebrating Clark Pinnock's life and work.

John Suk in Toronto on November 5 and Grand Rapids on November 17

Former ICS president John Suk has just published a book titled Not Sure: A Pastor's Journey from Faith to Doubt. Published by Eerdmans, the book chronicles both the history of faith and Suk's struggle with doubt. An article about the book in Northumberland Today can be found at: http://www.northumberlandtoday.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=3320660.

You can now order the book from Amazon.ca or Amazon.com (which also has the Kindle version). The introduction to the book is available on Suk's blog at http://faithisntwhatyouthink.blogspot.com/.

Join John in Toronto for an author party at the home of Nick Overduin and Nandy Heule (296 Soudan Avenue) on Saturday, November 5 from 4:30 to 7:30 pm. Wine and cheese will be served! John would love to see ICS faculty, students and friends at this event!

For those in Grand Rapids, John will be speaking as part of Eerdmans 100th anniversary authors' series, on Thursday November 17, at 7 pm. Eerdmans is located at 2140 Oak Industrial Drive NE, Grand Rapids.

Cal Seerveld at Redeemer University College

Senior Member Emeritus Cal Seerveld's translation of the Biblical books of Ecclesiastes and The Song of Songs is being presented at Redeemer College during the week of November 21-26. These Scriptures are conceived as unified choruses of diverse voices, and are performed along with song and musical interludes as interpretive commentary.

Cal will be presenting a lecture on November 23 and 24. For more information about this unique theatrical experience, visit http://www.redeemer.ca/mainstage.

Participate in the ICS Presidential Search Process

The ICS presidential search committee invites you to join the process of recruiting a new president for the ICS by entering into prayerful discernment about the kind of president the ICS needs. Members of the ICS community have been focusing on Romans 12 with a view to listening for God's guidance in relation to two questions: What kind of community is God calling us to be? and thus what kind of president will we need? The committee welcomes your written reflections on the passage; please email them to Aileen Van Ginkel, who chairs the search committee, at avanginkel@gmail.com. Thank you!

Social Justice and Human Rights Conference—April 27 and 28, 2012

Save the date! The CPRSE is planning a two-day interdisciplinary and cross-sectoral conference on Social Justice and Human Rights, co-sponsored with Emmanuel College, to take place on April 27 and 28, 2012 at Victoria University in the University of Toronto.

This major conference will stimulate reflection on the relationship between different conceptions of justice and rights claims, as well as on challenges in current practice and struggles for greater social justice. Keynote speaker Dr. Nicholas Wolterstorff will explore the religious and philosophical roots of the concept of justice, based on themes from his book Justice: Rights and Wrongs. The conference will also feature panel discussions and workshops. It will be of interest to the academic community, practitioners engaged in social justice and rights advocacy, and the broader public.

Watch for further details about this important conference through various ICS channels later this fall.

President’s Prayer Letter: November 2011

ICS inaugurated its Centre for Philosophy, Religion and Social Ethics on the evening of October 24. It was a gala event. Representatives of the communities of scholarship that ICS participates in were present and offered fitting words of congratulations and encouragement. I have said it before: ICS has been given the enormous grace to participate in the three communities presently extant within the North American academy today—the loose confederation of conservative Protestant and Catholic scholars and institutions including those of the Reformed world, the equally loose confederation of progressive Catholic and mainline Protestant scholars and institutions, and the still generally but no longer wholly secularizing world of our pluralist universities, both public and private. We belong to each of these three worlds but on the fringes, for there is only a narrow place in which they all come together and overlap.